those little inscriptions say: stress, overweight, traffic jams, expenses źródło/ source: |
lubicie jeździć na rowerze? ja w zasadzie tak, ale zawsze miałam rower górski i jeździłam rekreacyjnie, a nie żeby dojechać w jakieś konkretne miejsce. od tygodnia mam rower miejski (tak właściwie mamy go w domu, nie jest tylko mój) i dziś po raz pierwszy na niego wskoczyłam. było super! jest wysoki, wygodnie się jedzie i podczas jazdy mam proste plecy. i do tego ładnie wygląda, przynajmniej moim zdaniem (jak na zdjęciu, tylko jest cały czarny i ma brązowe siodełko). jedyny minus to brak amortyzatorów - ale gdyby w mojej (tymczasowo rozkopanej) dzielnicy były przyzwoite drogi i chodniki, to nie byłoby żadnego problemu. jeśli w ten weekend pogoda dopisze, postaram się pojechać rowerem na uczelnię, żeby zobaczyć, ile mi to zajmie. byłoby super jeździć codziennie rowerem zamiast autobusem!
do you like cycling? basically I do but I always had a mountain bike and I cycled recreationally, not in order to get to any particular place. I have a city bike for a week (in fact I've got it at home and it's not only mine) and today I've used it for the first time. it was great! the bike is high, driving is very comfortable and I can sit straight. and I think it looks good (like in the picture, but the bike is black and the saddle is brown). the only disadvantage is lack of shock absorbers - but if there were good roads, pavements and cycling paths in my district (which is currently undergoing some roadworks), everything would be fine. if it doesn't rain this weekend, I'll cycle to my university to see how much time it takes. it would be great to go to the uni by bike every day!
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dziś też nie jechałam bez celu - wybrałam się do drogerii Rossmann, a zmotywowało mnie to:
today I had a particular purpose, I went to the Rossmann shop, they have a great discount now: -40% on make-up and face care products. unfortunately I think it's only in Poland.
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to świetna okazja, żeby kupić droższe kosmetyki. kupiłam podkład Max Factor Colour Adapt, używam go od listopada i jestem strasznie zadowolona. kupiłam też krem Nivea Make-Up Starter. to chyba dość nowy produkt, znalazłam próbkę w gazecie i dla mojej cery jest świetny. jest połączeniem kremu i bazy, skóra jest po nim gładka, a makijaż dłużej się trzyma i skóra prawie wcale się nie błyszczy. słoiczek 50 ml kosztuje 20 zł. bardzo polecam :)
I bought the Max Factor Colour Adapt foundation, I've been using it since November and it's great. my new discovery is Nivea Make-Up Starter cream, in fact it's cream and make-up base. skin is very smooth, make-up lasts longer and there's almost no shining. I definitely recommend it!
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miłego weekendu!
have a nice weekend!
Witamy ;) Super blog ;d
OdpowiedzUsuńObserwujemy tu i na bloglovin?
Dearest Kaja,
OdpowiedzUsuńfirst I want to thank you for your thousands of comments on my blog! I loved them all and I already answered each (only your comment in the actual post is not answered by myself). You make me so happy that you read all of my posts and I really appreciate it and your differentiated opionions, too <3
And yes, I like cycling, too! I own three bikes: a mountain bike, a city bike (but not as beautiful as yours) and a racing bike. When I worked near to my home in the past I cycled every day to my work but no this doesen´t work because I have to drive about 30 km and this is much to far for me to go with the bike ;) And in the summer we like it to bike in our mountains!
To be honest I haven´t ever been at Rossmann´s. I don´t go shopping very often, regarding our own household my lovely husband is responsible for shopping and I go only to some fashion shops in our town (mostly on Friday, this is my private enjoyment) and sometimes to the drugstores (here we have dm and Müller). But the discount you have gotten is really high!
Wish you a wonderful rest of the weekend, dearest Kaja, and wish you furthermore much fun with the bike :)
Big hugs from Bavaria to Poland!
xx Rena
Dearest Rena!
OdpowiedzUsuńI enjoy reading and commenting on your blog <3 the only thing I don't like is that Blogger doesn't send any notification if someone answers my comment, and I don't always check it.
my mum cycles often to work, I would really love to cycle to my university every day, I'm fed up with buses, they're full of people and there's no place to squeeze into, cycling would be a perfect alternative! but I still haven't checked how much time it would take to get there.
hmm, I like Rossmann because it's close and it offers a big variety of products. and sometimes they have 40% discount on cosmetics!
have a nice day <3
xx Kaja
Dearest Kaja,
Usuńmany thanks for commenting again - I answered :)
To go with busses isn´t a really funny thing, I understand you so well! I hope for you, that the distance isn´t to far for you to cycle to the university.
Wish you a wonderful week <3
Big hugs form Bavaria to Poland from Rena
Followed you back :)
OdpowiedzUsuńIt would be super cool if you liked my fb page as well
xx Sofie
Your Princess is in Another Castle
You have great Ideas and a interesting blog, i really like it!
OdpowiedzUsuńwhat you think, wanna follow each other?
I would be happy :-)
Kiss from Swiss